Seaglass Photography


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I was selfish this Christmas and it was the best thing I ever did! This is my family’s second annual Christmas Experience. Instead of buying gifts, we meet up in Orlando for a weekend getaway. As much as I love love love to photograph my family, I amsad to look back on last year and […]

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This cooler weather is allowing us to venture out west of Vero and into the “C” families cabin. It was an adventure going out there. We saw cows, birds and my favorite part… driving UNDER I95. Who knew that there is a tunnel that goes under the interstate. If you have 3 kids, you know […]

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You can not get more of a dreamy photoshoot than with this family. Despite the crazy winds and high tide, they embraced the time together and created fun memories with their children. Isn’t this what family photography is all about? Moments! Connection! and beautiful sunset as a bonus! I can see this little girl in […]

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Brother and sister running in the water on the beach at sunset Vero Beach Florida family Photography wearing Wrare Doll

The most common phrase we hear from moms is, “I’m never in photos” It’s a fact of life. Mom’s are the glue that hold us together. They are planning, preparing, and making sure that everyone else is happy. Mom’s not only work so hard, but they want to savor every moment. With our documentary approach […]

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Mom putting makeup on daughter in the bathroom in Vero Beach Florida Family Photography

It was simply a normal day for the Cullen family… well, as normal as a day can be with 3 kids! The imagination of these kids was never ending and always entertaining! There were no plans except for the family dinner. In conversation before the session, Morgan mentioned to me how her mom said how […]

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kids playing on the couch with boy falling backwards family documentary vero beach florida

FIVE!!!! I have been documenting this adorable and always well dressed family for F I V E years!!!!! What?! I cannot get over how fast the time has flown by! Every year has been an adventure with them in front of my camera. This year we ventured onto a private property (with permission of course) […]

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brother and two sisters wearing fall clothes sitting in an old blue truck in Vero Beach Florida

Our families always have the coolest locations for their photoshoots! My first question to clients are, do you have a location that is special to your family? For the “M” family, it was our local brewery. Not only are they investors of the business, but it has become a part of their family. They enjoy […]

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Family of four at Walking Tree Brewery in Vero Beach Florida

What do you get when you combine an adorable couple with post hurricane engagement session? Apparently you get the most epic photos ever. We were are feeling blessed  after Irma blew through the entire state of Florida.  Irma did some very bad and very crazy damage to allot of cities. For our beaches, the look […]

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sunset beach photo of couple kissing in Vero Beach Florida

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